Alcaspace And Sitael For The Space Factory 4.0 Program Funded by Asi

Alcaspace And Sitael For The Space Factory 4.0 Program Funded by Asi

ALCASPACE is proud to have been selected by SITAEL S.p.A. as part of the program Space Factory 4.0 financed by ASI - Italian Space Agency through PNRR funds for the production of all space simulators for testing satellites in Mola di Bari and propulsion systems in Pisa for future satellite constellations.

The Space Factory 4.0 program involves the creation of innovative systems for the production of satellite components and subsystems. In this context Sitael S.p.A. aims to develop digital technologies and automated processes to produce satellites, electronic equipment and electric propulsion systems.

ALCASPACE will provide SITAEL with three space simulators with different technical characteristics and construction geometries, which vary from a diameter of 1,300 mm up to a maximum diameter of 3,400 mm x 3,500 in length, for the environmental tests of entire satellites: this is the largest this type in southern Italy.

Space simulators, also called thermovacuum chambers (TVAC), are used to test satellites or their components in a controlled, space-conditions environment. These equipment will be able to reproduce space conditions through the control of two environmental parameters: pressure and temperature. They will allow work cycles to be carried out in which the components will be stressed, always at vacuum values compatible with those of space, at temperature variations that can reach -170°C and +120°C.